Do You Like to Share?

As you’ve been happily following along on this blog, you may have noticed these little friends along the bottom of each post:

And, you may have asked yourself, “what are those cute lil’ buttons?! Are they simply décor?

These cute little buttons, or icons, help your blog’s readers to easily share the content you are supplying them among their social media networks.

Putting them under your reader’s noses makes it easy for readers of your blog or web site to share your content, thus contributing to a very important component of SEO…the infamous backlink.

My Twitter blog post last week touched on the importance of off-site SEO strategy. Adding  social media share icons to your blog or website certainly doesn’t guarantee that your readers will share, but the easier we make it for them to do so, the likelier they are to do so. Clicking on a button is much easier and faster than clicking over to Twitter or Facebook and cutting and pasting content.

So how do you get your own set of cute lil’ social media share buttons? Well, if you’re using like we are, simply head over to the Plugin Directory and, select which Plugin you prefer. We are using the Share This Plugin but based on your needs and preferences, you may want to read the reviews and select something different. Simply follow the instructions to add it to your website.

Happy sharing!