Blekko 3 Engine Monte

Blekko, the new search engine start up, has introduced a fascinating new feature called 3 Engine Monte. If you go to Blekko and search for any term followed by the /monte slashtag, instead of the standard Blekko search results you’ll see three columns of search results: one from Google, one from Bing, and one from Blekko.

In this blind test, you won’t know at first which results come from which search engine until you click one of the columns: then Blekko will reveal which search engine produced the results. No doubt the goal here is to demonstrate the quality of Blekko’s search results, which they claim are far more spam free than Bing or Google’s. Of course, the very first test that I did showed Blekko with some unfortunate results:

Blekko 3 Engine Monte Results

Nevertheless, this is a fun and potential useful tool to tell at a glance how you’re ranking across multiple search engines.

A Bit About Blekko

I see that I haven’t talked about Blekko much here, so it might be worth a few words: Blekko is a relatively new search engine startup that is attempting to challenge Google and Bing. The heart of Blekko’s differentiation is the use of human editors to review and refine their search result, in addition to a search algorithm.

These human editors seem to be primarily focused on eliminating spam and thin, poor content from their search results and Blekko frequently makes announcements about the tens of thousands of new websites that have been banned from their index — such as the shallow content farm, eHow, which continues to rank far better than it should in Google and Bing.