How to Tell if Your Website Sucks! Infographic

We here at Ecreative Internet Marketing have just completed putting together another infographic that we’re excited to share. The How to Tell if Your Website Sucks! infographic takes a look at some of the most common and egregious errors in website creation, and breaks them down by category: design, usability, and SEO. These are the kinds of issues that our website design team is fighting against every day.

How to Tell if Your Website Sucks! Infographic

This infographic is available as three separate images, or one really long one. Please feel free to share and/or repost this infographic, as long as you include a link back to us. Click any image to embiggen.

How to Tell if Your Website Sucks - Design How to Tell if Your Website Sucks - Usability How to Tell if Your Website Sucks - SEO

Obviously this infographic isn’t going to list every potential problem, or even most of them, but if your site is able to check off even just a few of the items on the infographic, it might be time for an emergency intervention. Even just one of these errors could have significant impact to the design effectiveness, usability, or SEO or your site — in other words, the things on this list are the things that keep users away from your site!

With this infographic we specifically wanted to target elements that anyone can see just by looking at your website — thus some elements that contribute to website suckage were deliberately left off, including crummy CMS, poor database structures, and poor backlinking.

For the really long version with all three graphics combined into one large infographic, Click Here.