Tag «facebook»

Facebook’s Like Icon Drives Traffic to Your Website

Facebook is the largest social network with enough active users to make it the world’s third largest country. Facebook has recently shared some case studies and statistics on exactly how incorporating the Facebook Like button has increased traffic, sales, and improved user retention for websites.

Facebook Exposed as Behind Anti-Google PR Campaign

In a surprising turn of events, new sources have just revealed that Facebook hired a top public relations firm to secretly launch a PR smear campaign against Google’s Social Circles in an attempt to raise privacy concerns — privacy concerns whose source is information that Facebook deliberately makes public to search engines.

Newest Facebook Features and How They Affect Your Business or Brand Page

Not that another Facebook update is earth-shattering, but some of the recent changes may have a big impact on your Facebook’s Business or Brand page. If you’re using Facebook to promote your company (and you should be) here are the things that you’ll want to know: Photo Placement Change The first new change worth considering …