Tag «facebook»

Is Facebook Driving Users to Google+?

Google’s entry into social networks has brought us the first full-scale social network war for users, and in the early stages Facebook appears to be blundering with awkward attempts at smear campaign, and paranoid-looking policies that are actually driving users to Google+. Added to this a recent user satisfaction study puts Facebook’s satisfaction rating in the bottom 6%, on the same level as cable companies and utilities, while Google is firmly at the top of the list.

How to Manage Your Facebook Page’s Images

Since last spring’s Facebook updates, Company or Brand Facebook pages have a top 5 feature on their pages. Internet Marketing Specialist, Amy, tells you how to modify these images as well as important tips in regard to your Facebook page profile image.

Facebook Announces Video Chat & Group Chat

In the wake of the private invite-only launch of the new Google+ social network, Facebook has already begun implementing some of the Google+ features that Facebook lacked — notably video chat and group chat. Are we going to see Facebook adopt Google+’s better privacy controls and more intuitive and useful friend and information sorting too? Does this swift ability to copy any Google+ innovation doom Google+?

Trackable Social Share Icons v1.0 Released

Ecreative Internet Marketing releases version 1.0 of the Trackable Social Share Icons Wordpress plugin. Provided free to the Wordpress community, version 1.0 of the plugin adds the Facebook Like icon, as well as increased ability over where the icons appear, including the ability to turn them off on any given post.

Facebook Finally Fixes Failed Employer Pages Link

Been wanting to promote your employer’s page in your Facebook profile? Perhaps you tried to link it in the past were only able to link to a strange, gray briefcase icon. Facebook has now made it easy to update and link to your employer’s page, just follow my easy directions!