Tag «Google»

SEO Basics: Hyphen or Underscore for SEO URLs?

SEO basics tackles the question of whether to use hyphens or underscores for your SEO URLs. There’s a surprising amount of debate over this topic, mostly due to one poorly worded comment made by Google; however, the right answer in this case is very clear.

Google Adds Instant to Google Places

Google makes Google instant available through Google Places searches, stating “…part of our ongoing effort to give you the Instant experience everywhere on Google…”

Duplicate Content vs. Duplicate Content

Google’s Panda algorithm update brought a lot of focus on duplicate content, with sites getting punished in rankings even if only a handful of their pages had duplicate content. But not all duplicate content is bad — learn the difference between the kind of duplicate content that could get you punished in the rankings, and the kind of duplicate content that won’t.

PPC: Should You Buy Ads when You Rank Organically?

Pay per click is a fast and sure way to the very top of Google search results, but once your SEO has you ranking organically for those phrases, should you stop paying for those ads? Can it be worthwhile to pay for ads when you already rank well organically?

Google AdWords Ad Extension Features Explained

Google AdWords has added even more features to their interface. Although Ad Extensions have been around for a while, they’ve been hidden. These four Ad Extension features help practitioners make their ads include additional info, potentially increasing the CTR and Conversions.