Tag «Google»

Traffic Snap Shots in Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a wonderful tool for those obsessed with website statistics. Whether you’re looking to dig into conversion metrics, funnel flows, traffic numbers, or many of the other options, “Analytics Advocates” will always find something new to study. For some of us who manage website traffic though, there are some moments we just want …

Google De-Indexing Private Link Networks

Just after Google’s announcement that they were going to hit over-SEO’d sites, they have struck out to de-index many private link networks over the past week. This strike against the link networks appears to be unrelated to the over-optimization algorithm change Cutts talked about, which we’re still waiting to see in the weeks ahead. The …

Google to Penalize Over SEO’d Sites

Some breaking news from SXSW spotted by Barry Schwartz: Google’s Matt Cutts said that they are actively working on an algorithm update to target what Matt called “overly-optimized” sites, where aggressive SEO has given them a somewhat unfair ranking advantage, sometimes over sites that have better content. Here is the direct quote from Matt Cutts: …

Google Page Layout Algorithm Change

Google recently announced another update to their search ranking algorithm, that now takes the layout of a page into account. This change is specifically targeted at penalizing sites that have too many ads — or content that looks to Googlebot like ads — up toward the top of the page. The idea here is that …

Google Reaches Record Revenue in Q4 2011

Google has released it’s fourth quarter earnings, showing that it made over 10 billion dollars in revenue in the fourth quarter. Despite this new record earnings, Google’s stock price fell 9% after the announcement. While Google reported record earnings their profits were only modestly up year over year, and analysts had been expecting Google to …