Category «Internet Marketing»

How to Tell if Your Website Sucks! Infographic

Ecreative Internet Marketing has released their new infographic: How to Tell if Your Website Sucks! This infographic breaks down some of the most common and egregious errors in the categories of website design, usability, and SEO. If items from this list apply to your website, it might be time for an emergency intervention!

Google Launching New Panda Update Soon

At the SMX Advanced conference recently Google’s Matt Cutts said that a new change to the Google Panda algorithm has recently been approved and will be going live soon. This new change is targeted at scraper sites, which sometimes outrank the original sites whose content they’re stealing.

Google +1 Button Rankings Research

No sooner does Google release their new +1 button, than a white paper comes out measuring the effect of the Google +1 button, including how it alters your keyword rankings. Today we take a look at this research and learn what it tells us, and what it doesn’t.

Google Rolls Out +1 Button for Websites

Google has rolled out the +1 button for websites, which allows users to upvote pages, sites, or products that they like. The results of those votes can affect search engine rankings. Google’s +1 button is their latest attempt to add social results to search — much like Bing and Facebook. Here’s how to add the Google +1 button to your site.

Call Me MacGyver

Sometimes life in SEO land is good, and sometimes it’s less good. It can be easy to overlook how vital it is to design a website — and the site’s back end CMS — with SEO in mind from the beginning. Without the right tools, the SEO professional is trying to be like MacGyver and improvising the tools necessary to get the job done.